Friday, April 4, 2014

Meeting in Murat


In january we had a chance to see all of the yummies on Murat. We enjoyed our time there wery much and we own a big thanks to all of the french yummies.

Our trip started at 18th of january when we flow to Paris. We did little sightseeing in paris and stayed there one night. Second day at the france was ment to travel to murat. After some more sightseeing we went to grab our bags and headed to the subway and to Bercy's train station.

At Bercy we had about half an hour wait until our train left. And then our trio to Murat had begun. We had to switch train in some point of our journey but we gladly didn't had a long wait until our journey continued. When we arrived to Murat there was four boys from team France to welcome us to Murat and leading us to our accomodation.

During our stay to Murat we had some games that we get to known all the people who were in Murat, planned and filmed some movies, watched many home made and professional movies, had some great parties and enjoyed nice meals.

Finnish team and some other country teatchers.

One day we travelled to nearby skiing center Le Lioran where we had some outdoor activities. We had very nice day doing different activities and seeing beautiful wiews from snow shoe track to the center of Le Lioran skiing center.

Thanks to all people in Murat and we hope that we will see you some day!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Making movie

Hello again!
We have done hard work while filming our short movies in Finland. We worked in two groups and made two different films for meeting in France. Keep calm and wait for that ;)
Below some pics of our work!

                                                  ^Pictures from filming the "bunny"
                                                ^Pictures from filmig the "horror movie"

Hope you enjoyed!
Ps. See you in two days in Seville, Spain!
(can't wait....)

Monday, September 9, 2013

YUMMY! Back in the business!

Edellisestä kirjoituksesta onkin jo vierähtänyt jonkin aikaa,kun me matkailualan opiskelijat olemme viettäneet kesälomaa ;)
Tässä vielä muutama kuva huhtikuisen YUMMY-tapaamisen loppuhuipennuksesta, YUMMY-gaalasta!

We are sorry it's been a while when we last time updated this blog. We, Finnish tourism students have been in a summer holiday ;)
Anyways, there are still few pictures of the "grand finale" of YUMMY-meeting in April, Finland:

   Koko porukka/ Whole YUMMY-group

                                                      Suomalaiset opet/ Finnish teachers

                                                       Espanjan joukkue/ Spanish Team

P.S sorry for my bad English ;) BRB!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Eilen järjestimme erilaisia toimintapisteitä, joista vieraat saivat päättää mieluisimman. Yksi pisteistä oli käsihoitopiste, joka järjestettiin saunamökissä. Taustalla soi rauhallinen musiikki, ja vieraat nauttivat valitsemastaan käsihoidosta. Hoidon päätteeksi sai vielä valita kynsien lakkauksen.

Samassa rakennuksessa sai myös käydä saunomassa, ja rohkeimmat kävivät jopa viereisellä rannalla uimassa. Järvi oli lähtenyt jo sulamaan, joten rannassa oli hieman sulaa. Jäälläkin käytiin toki liukumassa. Ilta oli onnistunut, ja kaikilla tuntui olevan mukavaa.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Käytiin vähän kuvailemassa tätä ympäristöä missä nyt liikutaan ja kuvaillaan filmejä. Harmi kun osui tää vierailun ajankohta näin huonoon aikaan; loskaa ja tulvia on joka paikassa. Onneksi edes aurinko pilkistää välillä pilvien välistä!

We were taking photos of the area we are working at during this week. Unfortunately the weather in Finland is quite bad now, it's so cloudy and gray everywhere. Luckily the sun is shining occasionally trough the clouds. :)